quarta-feira, 15 de julho de 2015

Um artigo interessante.

"Tsipras signs the 3rd Memorandum: Another Marxist revolutionary who sells entire nations to the Bankers

The spineless Tsipras has completely sold out to the bankers, signing Greece away to another unwanted memorandum. Our nation has been on its knees to the usurers for years, and now we are officially a subjugated state to the international loan sharks, thanks to Tsipras and Co.
For those that know their history, you will know this is a sad old story that we see repeated again and again.
After the people see the true face of the usurers, and how they bring an entire working class generation to the brink of poverty, they look to punish the elites by voting in what they believe is a radical party. Unfortunately, many of these so called ‘radical’ parties are communist shills, disguised as revolutionaries while working behind the scenes for the same bankers they claim to oppose.
The safety valve of the system is always the bourgeois class of self-professed Marxist ‘radicals’, ironically made up of wealthy intellectuals, rich business owners, and corporate executives.
This is in addition to the riches of other high up Syriza MPs and organisers, many of whom were formerly part of the PASOK criminal organisation which extorted and robbed literally millions of euros from the Greek people. Your average Syriza MP is such a blatant hypocrite, that they don’t even hide the fact they have literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of stock in international investment banks.  We were told to believe that these rich kids were ‘revolutionaries’ who would stand up the working class, despite being everything but working class themselves.
Talk is cheap, and Syriza has spent years pushing their propaganda about fighting the bankers, tearing up the memorandum and forcing Europe into giving Greece a better deal. There were talks of debt write off, ending austerity, and free government benefits for the poor. Objectively, we can now show proof that this is indeed a lie, now that Syriza has completely signed up to the third memorandum and broken all their pre-electoral promises.
The biggest treachery was not just Tsipra’s predictable lies, but the fact he not only signed up Greece to another memorandum, but to worse terms then the unapologetic slave to the EU, former PM Samaras. Tsipras has cut a deal so bad, that the usurers will be provided a base within Athens to personally oversee their slaves at work. We have not only been reduced to a tributary state, but we are also now under an occupation from a foreign power that will have complete oversight to how we manage our state."
Notas pessoais:
Agora que o teatrinho acabou, falar do que realmente importa:
Só o Golden Dawn quer fazer auditoria à dívida para saber exactamente a quem se deve, o quanto se deve, e o porquê de se dever.
Todos os outros partidos não querem, por razões óbvias: TODOS eles andam há décadas a trair e a roubar a Grécia e os Gregos, e portanto têm todos telhados de vidro(nalguns casos até de algodão, de tão finos que são...).

Só se pode esperar que se defenda uma Nação, quem é Nacionalista(Genuíno), pois o nacionalismo(Genuíno) consiste em meter os superiores interesses da Nação acima de todos os outros.
Só um partido é genuinamente nacionalista, o Golden Dawn.
Tudo o resto é lixo!

Dois dos maiores problemas da Grécia(tal como Portugal) são a elevadíssima corrupção e o elevadíssimo nível de traição nacional.
Obviamente não podem ser corruptos a combater a corrupção.
Só o Golden Dawn não é corrupto, todos os outros partidos são!
Logo Golden Dawn=Solução, todos os outros partidos=Problema.

Não se pode esperar lealdade de partidos que já nasceram da mega-traição nacional.
Só o Golden Dawn é um partido leal, e daí muitos dos seus membros terem sido presos pelo zog.
Todos os outros partidos não sofrem qualquer tipo de repressão pois trabalham(uns mais que outros, mas todos fazem a sua parte na mega-traição nacional) para o inimigo anti-nacional e anti-nativo: O judeu que vigariza, rouba, explora, escraviza, e até extermina o povo Grego Nativo.
Logo Golden Dawn=Confiável, todos os outros partidos=Traidores.

Um Estado a sério, tem que ser a Nação politicamente organizada.
Portanto logicamente só quem é nativo tem o direito de opinar e decidir sobre os destinos dessa mesma Nação.
Ora judeus e cripto-judeus não são nativos.
Logo Golden Dawn=Nativos, todos os outros partidos=Não-nativos.

Salvação nacional: Golden Dawn
Desgraça (anti)nacional: Todos os outros partidos.

"Human existence is inseparable from the communities and social groups in which it reveals itself. The idea of a primitive ‘state of nature’ in which autonomous individuals might have coexisted is pure fiction: society is not the result of a contract between men trying to maximise their best interests, but rather of a spontaneous association whose most ancient form is undoubtedly the extended family."  
-Alain de Benoist 

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