segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2015

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Monogamy was destined to become a social institution with the rise of agricultural societies.
The truth of the matter is, if left to a state of nature, Homo sapiens would most likely revert to a state wherein males would compete for access to females. This is the norm for almost all social species with the advent of monogamy being a relativity recent social institution.
We can imagine that in the distant past when the first early human settlements were being laid down, it became necessary for a man to know that his children were really his. Thus, the institution of marriage is something that is inseparable from the rise of civilization.

Monogamy and marriage also had an important social role in all previous civilizations. Through marriage, Man obtained sexual access to a woman(and vice versa), so he was not preoccupied or plagued by the anxiety of wondering whether or not he was going to have sex or find a companion.
Culture-Man then could devote his time to other pursuits, his craft or trade, art, science or philosophy, knowing that at the end of the day he had a wife and children waiting for him at home.
The institution of marriage and monogamy also gave man a sense of value in his society. He was a patriarch, the pater familias-- he could then rule his home as a just sovereign, no matter what his position was in the hierarchy of his society. 

The family is the most basic social unit of any civilization and the free man it's life's blood.

Now, let us turn to Woman's role within this institution.
The majority of women by their nature are fundamentally hypergamous, desiring the most confident, resourceful, and beautiful of men. Although it may not be fair for the average beta male, that´s the way it is. Nature is the ultimate fascist. 

Now, monogamy is not the natural state of many so-called "modern woman"...

But there are special cases:
The superior Woman, being much more intellectually capable than the average man, might choose to be monogamous simply because she refused to settle for anything less than a Man she saw as her equal in value.
There is a reason why women such as Hypatia never married.
The same logic applies to the superior Man.

Woman is a vessel meant to receive a Man's seed for the purpose of bearing his children.
Woman is the altar at which Man worships his ancestors. By engaging in the primal act that gave him life, he takes part in that ancient rite experienced by all his forefathers. By throwing himself into Woman and taming her, he gives thanks for his life and undertakes the greatest responsibility bequeathed to him by his forebears-- the preservation of his bloodline."
-The Occidental Sentinel

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