USA is financing mass immigration into Europe
"Insider: The United States pay the traffickers to Europe!
An incredible accusation comes now from the ranks of Austrian intelligence: According to information of an employee of the "Austrian Defence Office" * to present findings about the fact that US organizations pay the smugglers, who bring daily thousands of refugees to Europe.
"Tractor demand exorbitant sums to bring refugees to Europe illegally. The conditions are often very poor, still does a transport currently 7000-14000 Euro, by Region and tractors organization differently. "For police districts, which have daily to do with asylum seekers (alone in Erstaufnahmelager Traiskirchen are more than 100 officers in daily use) are Tug costs and states long been known. Even the suspicion that the United States in terms of geostrategic strategy fingers have with the game is voiced repeatedly. Few experts are willing to let reliable information leaked, no one wants his full name to the public.
"There are insights that organizations from the US have created a co-financing model and contribute substantial amounts of tractor costs. Not every refugee from North Africa has 11,000 euros in cash. Nobody asks where the money comes from? "There prevails a strict news blackout on appropriate contexts. "Even the HNAA (Note .: Army News Agency) has received no information or may not pass it. It must to the public."
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