domingo, 13 de setembro de 2015

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

1) We are anti-modern in every sense of the word.
We believe the modern world is fake, shallow, and ultimately founded upon unrealistic notions of human equality and the belief that human beings are isolated units of labor and capital that can be moved around and do not have anything that connects to them to a Past-- whether that be a race, nation, tribe, Tradition, culture, or heritage.

2) We are anti-egalitarian, and unashamedly so.
We believe the belief in human equality has no basis in objective fact; that the current ideas of human rights as a moral good is in fact ethically evil, as it negates the truth that all human beings are fundamentally and without question endowed with different characters, abilities, and inclinations. 
The idea that all human beings are endowed with equal value is based on a sick faith...

3) We believe in an aristocracy.
We are opposed to democracy, liberalism, capitalism, communism, and all other forms of government and political ideologies based upon the reign of quantity, the worship of production and "progress," and the galvanization of the unthinking masses as a way in which sovereignty is derived for government.
Hierarchy is the rule of nature, any belief asserting the contrary is in error.

4) We believe in the multipolarity of civilizations.
And believing in such multipolarism, we are hence opposed to multiculturalism. We believe that each civilization, nation, culture, and race on this earth is entitled to the preservation of its own heritage, customs, languages, religions, and exceptional uniqueness. 
We believe that the mixing of these different cultures is a recipe for conflict, and can be demonstrated more times than can be counted in the pages of history.
Therefor, every culture-- while inherently unequal-- is nonetheless entitled to the preservation of its own uniqueness.

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