"Egalitarianism is the most false and destructive myth ever foisted on our people. It says to the loser, to the sluggard, to the dull, the clumsy, and the drab: “You are just as deserving as the winner; you are just as strong and agile, just as bright and creative, just as imaginative and energetic, just as brave and skillful, just as beautiful and admirable in every way. The only reason you are a loser and he is a winner is that you have been cheated, and he has been given an unfair advantage.”
Charlatans and Jews have used this line over and over again to tear down Aryan societies. Whenever we have relaxed our vigilance and permitted the rabble to become too numerous, those who hate us have gone to the rabble and preached the same sermon: “The first shall be last, and the last shall be first.” And the rabble have responded and helped the charlatans pull down their betters and destroy the society.
And the thing for us to note is that the big capitalists in the United States today are as much enforcers of egalitarianism as the communists in the Soviet Union were.
We do need to have principled leadership, moral leadership. That may require a fundamental restructuring of our society."
-William Pierce
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