“We place our hope in the young people of Europe. The new European youth will forsake the obsolete and stifling values that have been forced on them by a decaying society. The new youth will cast off all the wrong teachings, false dogmas, and lies, the degenerating system has used to brainwash them. The new youth will create a movement of European Fundamentalism. The new youth will ferociously pursue European interests. The new European youth will be impatient, intolerant, and insatiable, when it comes to defending Europes heart. The prime directives for the new European youth will be, command and conquer, seek and destroy. We can see it now clearly, this is war, a war of economic and social sabotage against the European peoples, a war of ethnic cleansing and physical replacement of the European people, and an intellectual and emotional blackmail in order to subdue the Europeans. Soon Europe awakes, but when that day comes, finally, a storm breaks loose.”
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