"Today we face a need to expose all the “political evils”, we need to show to our societies that our main conviction is, as National Socialists, that well care of our people and the survival of our race and ethnicity is above of the interests of any politicians, governments or economical groups.
The National Socialist should work to achieve the development of this awereness into our folks, so they can understand better the work we are doing for the protection of our interest as a community; the so called “democracy” is destroying our societies in the name of progress and modernism, promoting multiculturalism, destroying our identities as a race and ethnicity and even questioning all the ethicalvalues that are the ground Foundation of our Nations."
The National Socialist should work to achieve the development of this awereness into our folks, so they can understand better the work we are doing for the protection of our interest as a community; the so called “democracy” is destroying our societies in the name of progress and modernism, promoting multiculturalism, destroying our identities as a race and ethnicity and even questioning all the ethicalvalues that are the ground Foundation of our Nations."
-Radical Nationalism
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