"Instead of striving for the best, striving for perfection and beauty, instead of imposing standards and values, we are now thinking of things from someone else’s perspective, the refuge, the jew, the bastard, not our own. We are at risk of losing everything that we are. Everything is being given away. We are forced to see this as ‘moral’, and as ‘compassion’. The most widespread and all-consuming decay that has ever taken place on the planet is being masked by making allowances for other people, caring about feelings, their constantly offended feelings and helping no hopers (so called disadvantaged). To take from the strong and give to the weak is the decomposition of mankind and the conscious reversal of evolutionary process.
This attitude of enforcing protection for unnatural undesirables such as homosexuals, the retarded, the stupid, is emanating from the jewish media.
Everything good is being destroyed and replaced through what looks like ‘sympathy’. It is demanded by only one dirty race, the jews, and watered down and forced on us unknowing ‘goyim’ through sympathy. The jews are having a field day, at destroying our race."
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