"It should be clear that France may well fall into the hands of the Islamists. For 40 years, politicians and governments of all parties (except the National Front), as well as employers and the Church, have been actively accelerating Afro-Maghrebi immigration by every means… The May 26 protestors cannot ignore this reality. Their struggle cannot be limited to the rejection of gay marriage. The “great replacement” of the population of France and Europe, denounced by the writer Renaud Camus, is a far more catastrophic danger for the future.
It is not enough to organize polite street protests to prevent it. This is a real “intellectual and moral reform,” as Renan said, and should be conducted as such from the start. It must make possible the recovery of French and European memory of our identity, the need for which is not yet clearly perceived.
It certainly will require new, spectacular, and symbolic gestures to stir our somnolence, shake our anesthetized consciousness, and awaken the memory of our origins. We are entering a time when words must be authenticated by deeds.”
It is not enough to organize polite street protests to prevent it. This is a real “intellectual and moral reform,” as Renan said, and should be conducted as such from the start. It must make possible the recovery of French and European memory of our identity, the need for which is not yet clearly perceived.
It certainly will require new, spectacular, and symbolic gestures to stir our somnolence, shake our anesthetized consciousness, and awaken the memory of our origins. We are entering a time when words must be authenticated by deeds.”
-Dominique Venner
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