"The hypocrisy of liberal society and of marxist society creates a equal malaise and an equal repulse. They propose us two different economic slaveries that in the end will eventually look like. All "trusts", of the state or banks, are not more, than a same mechanical. But what is important is the fate that is given to man. And in this destination there are a few unassailable elements, because it is the essence of human nature. It takes a man to be head of the family, it is necessary that the man has a house and it will rise to his liking, it is necessary that the man has a job and he likes his work, whose he doing with pleasure and that the result of this work is paid fairly. Under these conditions the man lives, he lead a free man's life, it is not robbed of its existence. And the state exists only to assure the conditions of existence that are the very conditions of freedom. "
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