"Homeless Veteran Freezes To Death Same Night Rapefugees Get Free Housing
A homeless veteran had needed help for some time, but he was denied for reasons unknown. Sadly, he ended up dying alone in the cold. As if that alone wasn’t already enraging, seeing what rapefugees were given during the same time frame makes it even worse.
While this particular incident occurred in Sweden, think of how easily it could have happened in America, and it likely already has due to the growing number of veterans becoming homeless. As rapefugees flood into Western nations, they’re given free food, housing, and spending cash, all while national heroes are denied even the most basic care from the very countries they served.
Such was the case in Sweden in early January, where a homeless veteran froze to death in the cold streets while kalergi hordes were given free food and housing paid by the taxes money confiscated to natives by zog-state."
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