"In Denmark, 84 Percent of Welfare Recipients Are ‘Non-Western Immigrants’
Migrants of a “non-Western origin” are massively overrepresented in Denmark’s benefits system.
Of all totally dependent families in Denmark, married couples where both partners are on social assistance–state benefits–some 84 per cent are “non-Western origin” migrants. In total, a third of all cash paid out in benefits every month goes to these non-Western migrants in Denmark
These figures might be considered especially high, as among Denmark’s working age population non-Western migrants make up just eight per cent of residents. The paper reports experts agree the phenomenon of a minority group of eight per cent of the population making up such a significant part of the claimant count, and concede it is a “large and especially expensive problem”.
It is estimated Denmark’s migrants cost the government some 11 billion crowns (£1.1 billion).
A significant sum for a country of just five and a half million people."
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