sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Paganism is best explained through the prism of Blood and Soil – which, apart from a slogan, is a coherent philosophy in itself.
Any given Pagan religion belongs to the people it was created by and to that people’s land. It can only be taken elsewhere along with the migration of its original creators, and in no other way. Paganism is purely an ethnic religion, a religion belonging to your own forefathers and inherited by their descendants – thus also by yourself.
Any religion is foreign to the people outside of the their cultural circle, and in the case of Europe have shown to be harmful to our own culture throughout the centuries since their forced introduction. Anything born in consequence with the corrupted jewish instinct can only benefit a Jew. Similarly, anything born in consequence with the European instinct, can only to the full extent benefit a European..."

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