"This so-called ‘free world’ refers to the jewish dominated world. The world jews can dominate financially with their globalism. Any independent, self-sufficient and autonomous People is considered not part of the ‘free world’, and thus not ‘free’. They are not ‘free’ because they are not free to do absolutely whatever they want as irresponsible individuals. The (false)freedom to destroy what is traditional and sacred is considered necessary ‘freedom’ by jews, as they persecute all groups and individuals not committed to complete ‘diversity’, ‘inclusion’ and complete ‘equality’ for everyone. Uncontrolled, irresponsible and nhillist (false)freedom is good for the jews, as it destroys us(native Aryans). Allowing the others to do whatever they want destroys the conditions that enabled them to live in the first place; strict adherence to certain laws of nature ie discriminating, ostracising, standards, values, evaluation of good and bad traits, punishment for being degenerate. When uncontrolled, irresponsible and nhillist (false)freedom destroys the legitime native order, the yearning for order will destroy true freedom."
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