"Austria: Liberals Allow "Migrant" Man to Babysit 4-Year-Old - You'll Never Guess What Happened
The ongoing kalergi hordes crime rampage through Europe continues unabated—with the latest incident being the brutal rape of a four-year-old in Austria.
A 42-year-old non-Aryan claiming to be a “Syrian” has been arrested in Salzburg for repeatedly raping the four-year-old girl.
The “asylum seeker” had been taken in by the liberals to show their support for the kalergi hordes invasion, and after he had befriended them, he offered to babysit their young child while they went out; And for the parents, that was an excellent idea!
Of course it was a terrible idea!
The rapes then occurred while the four-year-old was left in his care. The xenophilic stupid parents only realized that there was something wrong when the girl’s behavior dramatically altered, and they took her for a medical examination."
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