sábado, 28 de maio de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.


The first indication of the racial and ethnic demographic disaster that is awaiting Europe following the intensification of kalergi plan in 2015 has come with the news that a single invader in Denmark has won the right to bring his three wives and 20 children to that country.

According to a report in the Danish Ekstra Bladet newspaper, the invader, using the name Daham Mahmoud Al Hasan, claims to be a “Syrian” refugee and already has one of his wives with him in Denmark.

Now, however, he has succeeded in winning the right to bring another two wives from “Syria” into Europe, along with all his twenty children by all three wives.

Another report in the Berlingske newspaper revealed that the Esbjerg local authority—where the  invader has settled—will now need to create a whole extra reception class to accommodate the one “family.”

Twelve of his “other” 15 children have received permission to join Al Hasan in Denmark, along with their mothers. Three other children were rejected for family reunification because they are over the age of fifteen.

This means that the total “family” which this one invader has been able to bring into Europe will total 24 persons—all of them living off the native Danish taxpayer.

This is in spite of the fact that Danish law forbids polygamy.
But muslims, like the jews, don't recognize the law of the countries they are parasitizing; their religion for them is above the national law, and that's why they are a terrible threat for Europe! The more they grow in numbers, the bigger the threat...

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