"If you were a business man, you could emerge to own a lot of property in National Socialist Germany, provided you were productive. It was a meritocracy. The thing to remember though, is that Hitler believed the stock exchange should have no power over the productive members of society. The stock exchange is similar to the economy as the way that casinos are. They’re speculative and re-distributive but they’re not productive. And so Hitler said that the producers should not be penalized on behalf of the speculators. This was another strong plank in the National socialist party platform, that all productive labour would be rewarded and non-productive speculation, predation, which we call criminal behavior, well, naturally these people were made to work and were taken out of society and put into labour camps. But the productive people, like the farmers, factory workers, and people who worked with their brain, were not going to be penalized because some speculator had driven up the price of the shares or driven them down. So the stock market was more controlled.
Another thing was that Hitler didn’t allow speculation in the national currency because the national currency represents all your goods and services. Now if I corral the national currency and burn it up, you’re going to experience a sudden ceasing of economic activity because you need money, like in the depression. Now Hitler knew this so well that to overcome the depression in Germany, Hitler had printed money without any backing, no gold, no anything like that. Gold is a commodity, gold has its own value. Gold has no relation to productivity. Hitler’s money was based on productivity. And because the Germans were productive people, they gave value to their money. It’s not money that gives value to a ballpoint pen, or any other good or service, it’s the good or service that gives value to the money. This is a fundamental of National Socialism, and this caused the (Jewish)finance capitalists and (Jewish)banksters to go screaming up the wall. Germany had to be stopped and unfortunately by these people, these gangsters.
The biggest racket in the world is the creation of money by the banks like the federal reserve, the bank of Canada, the bank of England, and the present day bank of the Republic of Germany. This is the biggest racket in the world, because these people are allowed, by treasonous governments, to create your money, my money, and his money out of nothing. And for that, we pay these bankers interest. Hitler didn’t do that. When Hitler nationalized the bank of Germany, which was a private bank, he stopped that."
-Eric Thomson
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