quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2016

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Swedish police are handing out "do not touch" bracelets to young European women as a way of deterring the aggressive, sexual advances of kalergi hordes. This is the response of the once mighty Viking nation? We as European men have a duty to defend our women and children, when this is happening on our own streets it is not only the ziomedia, international fiance or globalist elite we should blame, it is a consequence of our own lack of action and courage. We have allowed our people to be pummelled into a weak, feeble, subservient race of consumers open to be preyed upon. The cure is Nationalism and only Nationalism. Globalism will never have the interests of the Nation in mind and will always work towards its destruction. A vehement, unflinching, Nationalism is needed in all European countries and it is needed now."

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