Ethnomasochism comes from shame and self-hatred. It is a collective psychopathology, provoked by a concerted propaganda campaign to make Europeans feel guilty and to make them see themselves as ‘oppressors’. They are made, in this way, to repent and pay their alleged debt. A veritable historical imposture, their repentance, no less, is urged by the churches and the zog-state.
Ethnomasochism is also at the base of anti-natalist policies that surreptitiously limit the reproduction of the native European population. It’s a form of self-racism, in effect. Tainted with the original sin of his inherent racism, European man is guilty of being who he is.
Ethnomasochism promotes a systematic apology for race-mixing and cosmopolitanism. Curiously, it denies Europeans the idea of an ethnic identity, which everyone else is accorded. Ethnomasochism is the counterpart to xenophilia (the overestimation of the stranger, the preference for the ‘Other’). It’s akin to ethnosuicide. Ethnomasochism is nothing new in history. It’s a symptom of a people too weary to live and perpetuate itself: an aging people ready to pass the baton to another."
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