"Wars, it is said, are caused by “nationalism,” that is, love of nation. This is an illusion. Wars, in nearly every instance in modern times, have been caused by economic factors and the exploitation of the national spirit to further individual ends.
The causes of war are to be found in the conflicting interests and jealousies existing between powerful financial organizations. Financiers secure power in their own country by placing within the government “statesmen” who will do their bidding, and when the clash comes, they stimulate in peoples every crude instinct of hate and murder.
“Trade,” it is said “follows the flag.” The reverse is the case. Trade has gone forth in the past, seeking profits for those sitting in the capitals of the country. When these traders, and their financiers, have found themselves in difficulties with traders and financiers in other nations they have not hesitated to use the “flag” as a cloak for their own misdemeanors."
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