"Catholic Priest Defends Pedophilia During TV Interview — Says it’s the Child’s Fault
During the interview, the reverend Gino Flaim claimed to “understand pedophilia” and said it’s caused by the child’s attempt to find affection.
“I’ve been to lots of schools, and I know children. Unfortunately, there are children who seek affection because they don’t receive it at home and I understand that some priests can give up. Pedophilia is a sin, and like all sins has to be accepted.”
When the interviewer asked Flaim: “So, you actually mean that most of the time it’s because of the kid’s fault?”
Flaim responded by saying: “Yes, most of the time.”
After condoning pedophilia and blaming it on the child, this holy(?) man went on to bash homosexuality, calling it a “disease.”"
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