"Migrant Molester: “I Hate Sweden, I’m Just Here to rape Swedish Girls”
A migrant who sexually molested five young women in the Swedish town of Vimmerby on Sunday night told his victims, “I hate Sweden, I’m just here to rape Swedish girls.”
A 20-year-old woman, who herself had been sexually assaulted by a migrant in a nightclub moments before when he pressed his genitals up against her, told the Daily Vimmerby about what she witnessed outside.
According to the woman, the migrant in his 40s who molested her in the nightclub began talking to another “foreigner” in his 20s.
This individual then followed the woman and her four friends outside before becoming aggressive and exposing himself.
The man then began screaming about how he hated Sweden and was only there to “rape Swedish girls,” and spend their money according to the eyewitness.
The man then spat on the girls and began urinating on the street before police arrived and detained him.
The suspect is a 27-year-old man who is already facing deportation having had his claim for asylum in the country rejected.
The 20-year-old woman said that she was now afraid to walk the streets alone."
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