"Some of you may be getting bored by our analysis of Christianity – but, rest assured – it is a subject which we must entirely go through. It cannot, it must not be allowed to remain something that we don’t want to touch because some of the White Europeans find it “holy”. Well, you know – the Inquisition, which killed millions of our people, was also labelled as “holy”.
What is going on right now is a concentrated effort of Jews and all their Shabbos Goy to keep semitic Religions alive in Europe. They must manage to keep this fake Spirituality alive, no matter what the cost. Imagine there was no immigration happening right now. Imagine we didn’t have this “diversity” and “multi-culturalism” going on; no political correctness; true free speech; true time for research. We would be able to analyze and properly send out the message of what exactly Christianity, Islam and Judaism are.
The entire idea of globalism is part of the Bible. And Jesus comes then to make that happen – he Unites everyone under the same umbrella. Race, ethnicity, language – doesn’t matter Goyim – you are all One. Race-mix all you want, Culture, DNA and Genetics don’t exist.
Pick one of the definitions of biblical love and go with it – I like the tolerate one – isn’t it just wonderful? Love your Enemy, Goyim – your Enemy is also your neighbor, after all – he is an Enemy to you just and only because he hasn’t yet realized Christ or Yahweh inside of him. It is your obligation therefore to Love him not only as a Neighbor, but also to attempt to convert him while you can – you should tolerate him while doing so – and if he stabs you with a knife 40 times, you should tolerate those stabs as well. Be a good Martyr and remember that Jesus died for you just as well. But, enough with this – let us jump to another subject – the Church itself.
The Popes through the ages were of various characters – some loved the Jews and protected them, some even allowed them to apply Usury, some were Jewish themselves; others were strongly against them, one – Innocent III – even forced them to wear badges (like the Jude star in Germany). Whatever the case – they never really purged the Jews and were through the ages controlled by the Jews – whether in secret or directly. But, you see – in most cases – especially in the case of Gentile Popes – it would seem that they themselves have never truly read the commandments of the Bible. After all, they used Religion just and only as their personal powerhouse and empire tool – they didn’t even comprehend the danger that the Bible might bring to the Europeans several hundreds of years later.
Christians, Muslims and Jews have been killing the best of our People throughout history and we are left with the worst of what our DNA has to offer – the few intelligent of us, those who are still Noble and have Honor – find themselves surrounded with people of no Loyalty, no sense of true Racial feeling, no Brotherhood. And, to make it even worse – Masonry has seduced many of our own into their own “brotherhood and fraternity”, turning these valuable Men into non-Nationalists who are loyal to their Lodge, rather than to their own Blood.
Pope Leo X, 1521 – “When Jesus the Son of Man shall come to the seat of our Majesty, say first of all, ‘Friend, wherefore art Thou come hither? And if He gives you naught in silver or gold, cast Him forth into outer darkness”.
Pope Paul III, 1534-1549 – There is no valid document to demonstrate the existence of Jesus Christ… Jesus Christ had never existed.
Bishop Eusebius, Council of Nicaea in 325 CE – It is an act of virtue to deceive and lie, when by such means the interests of the church might be promoted.
Pope Innocent XI, 1686 – authorized the publication of a ‘new’ version of the New Testament that was a flagrant instance of popes resolving to force fictitious writings into their own service by audacious forgeries and falsifications. Called, The New Testament of Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, it was intended to replace all other New Testaments and become official to Christianity with full papal authorization.
Pope Alexander VI, 1431-1503 – Almighty God! How long will this superstitious sect of Christians, and this upstart invention, endure?
Pope Julius II, 1443-1513 – Christians are the unstable, unlettered, superstitious masses.
He hated them, and set out to kill as many ‘mad believers’ that he could, with the world knowing little about his horrible massacre of Christians by which he was stained.
Pope Leo X, 1514 – How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us and our predecessors
St. Augustine, 354-430 – There is another form of temptation, even more fraught with danger. This is the disease of curiosity. It is this which drives us to try and discover the secrets of nature, those secrets which are beyond our understanding, which can avail us nothing and which man should not wish to learn. Death of the Mind, right here folks.
Prudentius, Roman Christian Poet, 348-413 – Obey a teacher who wields the scepter. He gives warning that the wicked error and superstition of our forefathers be put away. Yeah, Jews gave you the Truth, alright.
Pope Liberius, 354 – decrees to place birth date of Jesus on traditional Pagan festivals of Winter Solstice, 25th December. Remarkably, Christians still don’t know this.
Julian II, last Pagan Emperor of Rome, 363 – Killed by Christian soldier of his own army, stabbed from behind during a campaign against the Parthian empire.
Christian emperor Jovian, 364 – Burns Library of Antioch which was heavily stocked by Pagan Emperor Julian. Seems like he couldn’t wait to get to the Throne; might as well have paid the Christian soldier himself.
Bishop Theophilus, 391 – destroys library of Alexandria, kills pagans who defended it. To this day, Christians keep telling us “Pagans” that we got no “book” of our own.
Christian Emperor Honorius, 410 – allowed conversion of Pagan temples to Christianity.
Archbishop Cyril of Alexandria, 415 – orders Christian mob to kill mathematician and philosopher Hypatia. She was beaten, dragged naked through the city, raped and finally killed with her skin peeled off, flesh beaten to pieces, and her bones burned to ashes.
Christian Emperor Theodosius II, 435 – Brings about the death penalty for heretics and pagans. Only Judaism is allowed alongside Christianity as a religion.
Pope Boniface IV, 609 – turned the Pantheon in Rome into a church. It had been dedicated to all the Olympian gods; now it was dedicated to St Mary and all the Christian martyrs.
St. Ignatuius of Loyola, crypto-Jewish founder of society of Jesus, Jesuits, 1491-1556 – I would take it as a special grace from our Lord to come from Jewish lineage… Why imagine! That a man could be a kinsman by blood of Christ our Lord and our Lady the glorious Virgin Mary!
Alfonso Cartagena, 2nd son of the Rabbi of Burgos, later known as Archbishop Paul, 1384-1456 – The Catholic Church is the natural home of the Jews.
Philosophy was considered dangerous to Christianity. Philosophers were persecuted and their books burned. Such was the persecution that men of learning were driven to destroy their own libraries rather than risk a volume being seen by a Christian informer. The few intellectual Christians that there were had to be careful of offending the sensibilities of the less intellectual majority. The philosopher Boethius for example was killed by the pious Christian Ostrogoth Theodoric in the sixth century. He is reputed to have met his end by having a bowstring tightened around his temples until his eyes protruded from his head. His death marked the end of the classical tradition of learning.
The loss through Christian vandalism – both deliberate and casual – is incalculable, but the scale of it can be estimated from the shreds that survive. Tacitus’s surviving Histories and Annals are both incomplete. One manuscript of Lucretius’s De Rerum Natura, “On the Nature of the Universe”, survived the Dark Ages. Livy’s lost works include his 142 volume History of Rome of which only a small part has survived. Pliny the Elder wrote numerous works of which only his Historia Naturalis survives. There is of course no way of knowing how many hundreds or thousands of important works have vanished completely — without even a passing reference in any surviving work.
All literature, including the Bible, was banned to the population at large. The few who were allowed to learn to read were restricted to prayer books and Christian Legends presented as fact. Other books were generally destroyed or hidden away in monasteries. Dance was prohibited as pagan and tending to promote lust. Music and singing were periodically restricted to Church music. Otherwise they were regarded as satanic. Classical opera died out under the Christian hegemony — it was re-introduced in the sixteenth century. Streets and viaducts were used but not maintained. They survived into secular times only because they had been so well built.
Church vandalism was not only directed against
non-Christians. Christians have been persecuting other Christians and vandalising their possessions for almost two thousand years – executing them for heresy, burning their books for blasphemy, destroying their icons as impious. It happened throughout Christendom during the early centuries, followed by iconoclast wars in the Orthodox Church and religious wars in the Catholic West.
So, let us conclude everything thus far : the Bible is a Jewish fairy tale that consists of stolen material, was however carefully planned and designed in order to brainwash people.
Aryan European Christian "Nationalists" just can’t comprehend the fact that all 3 Abrahamic faiths talk about the same God. The same Jewish God. Jesus continues the work of Moses, is the supposed son of Yahweh, the same Yahweh who gave Moses the Commandments as a Voice out of a Fire. Jesus continues the path of Moses. The Quran begins with Allah talking about Adam and Eve, the Children of Israel, Moses and the Jews escaping Egypt – it is the same Jewish fairy tale God – it is the same Jews selling the same Lie.
But notice, these 3 Abrahamic faiths have killed probably over a billion people – and instead of attacking the Source of them – we are supposed to Unite in them.
In the Dark Side of Christian History, Helen Ellerbe describes how the same men who had been both prosecutor and judge decided upon the sentence of heresy. Once an Inquisitor arrived to a heresy-ridden district, a 40 day period of grace was usually allowed to all who wished to confess by recanting their faith. After this period of grace had finished, the inhabitants were then summoned to appear before the Inquisitor. Citizens accused of heresy would be woken in the dead of night, ordered, if not gagged, and then escorted to the holy edifice, or Inquisition prison for closer examination.
One can’t imagine the horror which has been brought into our Lands through the Bible , Judaism and Christianity. You must never forget where these sick ideas come from – the Bible – and where it comes from – the Jews. You must never ever forget this link. We have been victims of Jewish brainwashing.
In 1252, Pope Innocent IV officially authorized the creation of the horrifying Inquisition torture chambers. Hell, he even allowed perpetual imprisonment or death at the stake – all without the consent of a bishop. The Inquisitors were given absolute freedom to do with their victims whatever they wanted to.
Even the very fact of having a charge brought against you, and of being summoned to the Inquisition was sufficient to strike abject terror into the bravest man or woman. For very few who entered the doors of that halls of torment emerged whole in mind and body. If they escaped with their life, they were, with rare exceptions, maimed, physically or mentally forever. Those who did happen to endure the dungeons generally went mad in captivity, screaming out in despair to escape their purgatories. Others willingly committed suicide during their confinement.
Suspicion alone of witchcraft would warrant torture. Once a girl was nine and a half, and a boy was ten and a half, they were both liable to inquiry. Younger children below this age were still nevertheless tortured to elicit testimonies that could be used against their own parents. A famous French magistrate was known to have regretted his leniency when, instead of having young children accused of witchcraft burned, he had only sentenced them to be flogged while they watched their parents burn. The children of those parents murdered usually were force to beg in vain upon the streets, for no one dared feed or shelter them thus incurring a suspicion of heresy upon themselves. The suspicion was sufficient enough to drive away even the closest kindred and friends of the unfortunate. Sympathy for them would be interpreted as sympathy with their heresy.
The Rack – was an instrument of torture often used in the Middle Ages, and a popular means of extricating confession. The victim was tied across a board by their ankles and wrists, rollers at either end of the board were turned by pulling the body in opposite directions until dislocation of every joint occurred.
The Stocks – with their feet in the stocks, two pieces of timber clamped together, over and under, both across each leg above the ankles. The soles of their feet then having been greased with lard, a blazing brazier was applied to them, and they were first blistered and then fried. At intervals a board was interposed between the fire and their feet and removed once they disobeyed the command to confess themselves of guilt for which they had been charged. Being more painful, but less fatal than racking, this was the torture most in vogue when the subject chanced to be of the female sex. It was also favored in cases where children were to be persuaded to testify against their parents. Slighter tortures consisted of binding a piece of iron to a limb and putting a twister mark to force it inwards, as was pressing the fingers with rods between them, or removing a nail from fingers or toes, which were all highly practiced upon persons of not sufficient strength to support the pulley, rack, or fire.
Water torture – The victim’s nostrils were pinched shut, and eight quarts of fluid were poured down the victim’s throat through a funnel. Other techniques included forcing a cloth down the throat, while pouring water, which made a swallowing reflex pushing it further down into the stomach producing all the agonies of suffocation by drowning until the victim lost consciousness. Instead of water, the torture was sometimes conducted with boiling water or vinegar. Death occurs from distention or rupturing of the stomach. One of the many cases recorded by the Inquisition, was in 1598 concerning a captured man, who was accused of being a werewolf and “possessed by a demon” while in prison.
At what point does your mind just seem to think of “gulags”? This is the same shit the Jews did to Germans after WW2 was over – the massive deaths they caused. The same think the Jews did to Ukrainians, starving them to death.
The hatred of women and witch hunt was another big role of Christianity. After all, the Bible clearly says : “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.”, or that “the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God; and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils”.
And now that Europe is awakening – yet again – now they are bringing Islam to submit us to the same bullshit process all over again from a different angle. However, as I have stated in the beginning – they are primarily trying to make all these semitic religions “important” again, hoping that we won’t reach the masses with the Truth meanwhile.
St. Clement of Alexandria wrote – Every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman.
St. Thomas Aquinas – Nothing [deficient] or defective should have been produced in the first establishment of things; so woman ought not to have been produced then.
Lutherans at Wittenberg – debated whether women were really human beings at all.
Orthodox Christians – held women responsible for all sin. As the Bible’s Apocrypha states, “Of woman came the beginning of sin/ And thanks to her, we all must die.” After all, I Corinthians 7:1 states, “It is a good thing for a man to have nothing to do with a woman.”
The historian Walter Nigg described the process of witch hunting – …she was stripped naked and the executioner shaved off all her body hair in order to seek in the hidden places of the body the sign which the devil imprinted on his cohorts.
Tertullian, “the father of Latin Christianity”, 160-225 – In pain shall you bring forth children, woman, and you shall turn to your husband and he shall rule over you. And do you not know that you are Eve? God’s sentence hangs still over all your sex and His punishment weighs down upon you. You are the devil’s gateway; you are she who first violated the forbidden tree and broke the law of God. It was you who coaxed your way around him whom the devil had not the force to attack. With what ease you shattered that image of God: Man! Because of the death you merited, even the Son of God had to die… Woman, you are the gate to hell.
Yet, the Jewish agenda is somewhat brilliant, once you understand it more. First they destroyed our women entirely – millions of them died not only for resisting Christianity, but also for simply being heretics who still defended their own Culture. After they have been finally put into Submission by the Bible, they were suddenly given the entire opposite role to play – now they were supposedly “liberated” and were to become “equal to men” – but, never a woman! They must never be a woman! This is the most important part of the Jewish agenda. And we, Europeans, nowadays wonder what has happened to our women? Jews and the Bible did, you idiots! The European Man and Woman, the Pagan lifestyle was entirely different – we were a Team – we had Goddesses! But, it shouldn’t surprise us, after all even Jesus himself said : Look, I will lead her that I may make her male, in order that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who makes herself male will enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Hence why they attempt to destroy our Roots, our Nature and our Relationship to Truth. One who forgets the past, has no future. It shouldn’t surprise you that one who controls therefore the Past, will also control the Future. The Jewish Bible and Christianity were the primer tool for the control of our Past – they erased it – and through it we entered a collective state of Amnesia, which we are slowly getting out of. But, just as we are getting back on our feet, the Jews are already kicking us in our backs. According to them, we aren’t dead enough yet.
When you comprehend this relationship towards Truth as being Divine, then you will understand the importance of Pagan culture and faith, because the idea of these archetypes was constantly, every generation, driving the people towards achieving more and more – to become better and to make the Gods and Ancestors proud. We instinctively knew that we could never become as grand as our Gods, but we knew that we could become God-like. Hail to our Gods and Ancestors! And this, this is what drew us forward – this is the beauty of our European faith."
-Axe of Perun
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