"French CRS (riot police) officer - It's truly mind boggling what's going on at the Calais "jungle" migrant camp!
But the situation has been getting out of control and security has become almost impossible to enforce, a police officer at the scene told Le Figaro newspaper on Friday.
"It's truly mind boggling what's going on there," said the officer of the CRS force, which is tasked with maintaining public order. "It's worse than ever."
"It's impossible to know if, for example, a jihadist from Belgium is hiding in there. This camp is a blind spot for national security in the middle of the state of emergency."
Authorities have estimated that around 4,500 people are living in the camp, which sprawls across the outskirts of the city of Calais in northern France.
But the police source said that judging by the sheer number of meals handed out each day, the camp's population must be closer to 7,000.
However aid agencies suggest the population is even higher."
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