"It's Official: Rate Of Homeownership in the United States Has Hit the Lowest Level Ever
The percentage of Americans that own a home has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded.
During the second quarter of 2016, the non-seasonally adjusted homeownership rate fell to just 62.9 percent, which was exactly where it was at when the U.S. Census began publishing this measurement back in 1965. This is not what a “recovery” looks like. All throughout the Obama years, the percentage of Americans that own a home has gotten smaller and smaller and smaller. The reason for this, of course, is that the middle class in America is dying. Last year, we learned that middle class Americans now make up a minority of the population for the first time ever. In order to have a high rate of homeownership, you need a thriving middle class, and you can’t have a thriving middle class without good paying middle class jobs. This is why I write about the evisceration of the middle class so extensively, because the U.S. economy is systematically being hollowed out and most Americans don’t understand what is happening.
Traditionally, owning a home has been a sign that you have arrived as a member of the middle class, but under Barack Obama the percentage of Americans that own a home has fallen every single year. In the past, we have talked about how it had fallen to the lowest level in decades, but now it has officially fallen to the lowest level ever. "
Notas pessoais:
"Mas ao menos temos um presidente Negro e tal..."
Isto é o resultado de deixar os idiotas votar; idiotas esses de várias raças, convém salientar! Agora obviamente que os Negros acéfalos apoiam em massa o obongo apenas por este ser mulato(nem sequer é Negro, como tanto gostam de afirmar...). Não interessa se é competente, honesto, sábio, determinado, leal,
etc ; interessa é que ele é mulato!
E agora vem a mesma dinâmica acéfala em relação à hillary(ous) clinton: É mulher, logo todas as mulheres devem votar nela; assim pensam as massas feministas acéfalas.
Volto a relembrar que as classes mais baixas são as que mais sofrem com a queda da classe média; pois esta é a principal dinamizadora quer da criação de emprego, quer do consumo interno.
Cada vez menos gente tem a sua própria casa, e a somar a isso, menor poder de compra pois o dólar está muitíssimo mais desvalorizado do que há umas décadas atrás. Ah, e ainda têm mais dívida pessoal nas costas patrocinada pelo zog!
Fantástico não é? Continuem que estão no bom caminho...
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