segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2016

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"There is a plague burning through western society, and it leaves in it’s wake arrogant weaklings who feel entitled to whatever they desire. It burns through the body that is our culture, and it’s fever kills the strong, the determined, and the willful. It leaves behind only those who are feeble-minded and powerless, and yet those left behind refuse to acknowledge their own nature, and believe they are the strong, and that this plague that grieves us is natural and wonderful. This scourge bears many names but at its heart it is the myths of equality and democracy that eat away at our spirit like a cancer. This decay is the result of weakness, and this weakness is born of foolish ideals of equality. We have forgotten that strength, unity, and determination are what made the western world, and that these traits by nature require consistency. Consistent government requires consolidation of power, and hierarchy, which inherently entails inequality. The more we distribute power the more it dissipates... In doing this we have crippled ourselves, but we have done it with a smile on our faces, in the name of notions of equality and democracy. We must forgo these naive notions and found a society based on ideals of power and virtue."

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