terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2016

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Where is Europe headed? What is the destiny of Europe?
It goes without saying that if Europe becomes minority European then it will cease to be European in the true sense of the term. You can't have Europe without Europeans. It would be Europe in name only.
Our unique European cultures and our very racial identity will be irreversibly replaced which is already happening. When you allow into your nations millions of high birthrate non-Europeans then they will naturally seek ...to nurture their own culture and will seek to consolidate in an area and expand. This makes forced multiculturalism completely unnatural because it is about supplanting one population with another by political deception. It is multiculturalism that is a social construct.
'Multiculturalism' as our alien elite define it, is not what it is in real terms. They tell you that it is enriching and for your benefit, however it is all about population replacement and is not in your interests. The dystopian destiny of Europe is further highlighted by the fact that our own birthrate is well below replacement levels which means that as our population declines, the non-European population increases exponentially in relation to our own. This will result in a drastically different Europe in the future both racially and culturally. A Europe that will not represent the true Europe in any way whatsoever. This is not in the interests of ANY European of the future."

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