"Migrant Thug Beats 87-Year-Old To Bloody Pulp
A sweet 87-year-old man offered a young migrant a ride to the train station, hoping to show him a small act of kindness. However, as soon as they pulled up to his stop, the migrant thug attacked the elderly man, beating him to a bloody pulp and punching a hole in his eye.
An elderly Swede saw just how far tolerance and open-mindedness reaches with other cultures.
According to Fria Tider, the 87-year-old unnamed man pulled up to the station and politely told the migrant that they had arrived at his destination. Simply informing the foreigner that it was time to exit the vehicle apparently sent him into a rage, causing him to brutally beat the driver almost to death.
Repeatedly punching him in the torso and head at least a dozen times, the migrant beat the old man so badly that he broke his rib and punched a hole in his right eye, damage that was so extensive that doctors worried he would go completely blind even after 3 weeks in the hospital.
“He can no longer read newspapers or see on television,” according to the court report. “It is unclear if he will ever see again. Before the beating, he was alert and active in the community. Now, he needs the help of four times a day.”"
An elderly Swede saw just how far tolerance and open-mindedness reaches with other cultures.
According to Fria Tider, the 87-year-old unnamed man pulled up to the station and politely told the migrant that they had arrived at his destination. Simply informing the foreigner that it was time to exit the vehicle apparently sent him into a rage, causing him to brutally beat the driver almost to death.
Repeatedly punching him in the torso and head at least a dozen times, the migrant beat the old man so badly that he broke his rib and punched a hole in his right eye, damage that was so extensive that doctors worried he would go completely blind even after 3 weeks in the hospital.
“He can no longer read newspapers or see on television,” according to the court report. “It is unclear if he will ever see again. Before the beating, he was alert and active in the community. Now, he needs the help of four times a day.”"
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