"France: Nationwide Police Revolt!
(Police protesting against kalergi's society)
There’s very little in the news about this. And what there is seems to be severely minimizing what’s going on.
The French police is really, really angry.
The Local :
The French police is really, really angry.
Citizens: The national police has, since yesterday, entered #resistance. Don’t listen to the controlled media. #AngeredPoliceThe government is responding by trying to bribe them in order that they quiet down.
The Local :
Police have been protesting for over a week, and the government has come up with a plan.
Hundreds of police have taken part in unauthorized protests across France for over a week, demonstrations that were prompted by a vicious petrol bomb attack on four officers in a Paris suburb earlier this month.
(Just a "normal" day in kalergi's France...)
In fact, it’s not just the migrant violence they’re protesting. Like in many european countries now, France has “no-go” zones, in which police officers are not supposed to perform they duties due to the “diverse” nature of the neighborhood. They’re not happy about that at all.
And on Wednesday night, the government appeared to have come up with some solutions to coax the officers back off the streets and back on the beat.Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, who had just met with President Hollande and police union heads, announced that police would get an extra €250 million in funding for improved and updated equipment.
The government’s proposals came two days ago, but it hasn’t put a dent in the resistance. The police is disobeying all orders from higher up, and organizing all over the country.
Things are blowing up. Yesterday, five officers were called to be disciplined for disobedience in Marseille.
200 showed up instead.
Our governments, in their hubris, decided that they could make an enemy out of the whole population with no consequences.
But here’s the thing. When the police are protesting, what do you do about it? Lock them up? lol.
Maybe the Jews should have thought this through a little better. They pushed too hard, too fast. And now France is exploding.
Is a National-Revolution on the way?"
Notas pessoais:
O que é que a escumalha democrata traidora, vigarista e terrorista anti-nacional e até anti-nativa(judeus não são Gauleses) vai fazer?
Primeiro, vai-vos tentar corromper(ainda mais) com benesses; mas como já expliquei aqui, e isto vale para todas as nações ocupadas pelo zog, é estarem atirar areia para os vossos olhos: http://omsilanoican.blogspot.pt/2016/06/pensamentoimagens-do-dia_26.html
De seguida, e até simultaneamente(visto que já o estão a fazer há muito, apenas vão intensificar), é intensificar a agenda kalergi nas próprias forças de segurança para mais facilmente as mercenarizar.
Como os judeus fizeram em Inglaterra por exemplo:
Obviamente que quanto menos Gaulesas forem as polícias francesas, mais facilmente serão mercenarizadas de forma a defenderem melhor os interesses do zog; interesses esses que são obviamente opostos aos interesses do povo Gaulês.
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