"Rapefugees Beat Girl For Being Blonde
After a female student was brutally beaten by a group of rapefugees because of her hair color, she gave investigators descriptions of each one of the attackers upon being released from the hospital. However, as soon as she revealed that the thugs are asylum seekers, they had only one thing to say to her.
With the growing number of kalergi hordes to Europe comes the same oppression, brutality, and misogyny the perpetuate in their home countries. In fact, assault and rape have increased disproportionately to the number of asylum seekers, providing evidence that it only takes a “tiny minority” for such tyranny to rule the majority.
In an attempt to scrub any trace of thousands of crimes committed by rapefugees, police in Austria have begun nixing the word “rape” from police records. In accordance with orders from liberal officials, authorities have been caught distorting police reports and charges, leaving countless victims without justice. Still, they are searching for ways to whitewash other non-sexual offenses, which has resulted in substituting action for “advice” that ironically adheres to Sharia law.
A victim of assault by asylum seekers in Austria was shocked and appalled by the response from police when she reported the brutal offense against her. After 20-year-old college student Sabina relayed to Vienna police that Afghan migrants severely beat her for being “blonde,” officers told her that she should dye her hair and not travel alone after 8 p.m."
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