sábado, 15 de outubro de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Small Italian town accused of ‘apartheid’ after taking steps to PROTECT SCHOOLGIRLS from MIGRANT SEX ATTACKS

Any civilization that sacrifices their young native girls to an invading army has no future at all.
In the wake of the Kalergi hordes migration to Europe, sexual attacks against young native girls are an epidemic. Public celebrations like music concerts, festivals, public swimming pools, train platforms, have become war zones, with women and girls reporting hundreds of sexual attacks by Kalergi hordes.
So when one little Italian town took measures protect their school girls, you would think they would be lauded and applauded. In a proud West, that would have happened. In a defeated, crippled West, beaten by liberalism and democracy, those town-fathers are “racists” and “islamophobes,” and are accused of “apartheid.”

AN ITALIAN town has been accused of bringing in apartheid after rapefugees were banned from buses used by female students.
Migrants in the tiny town of Calizzano, Italy, have been asked to refrain from using local buses when pupils are going to and from school.
The 40 migrants, who are staying in the Lux Hotel, have been accused of screaming, fighting, bickering and engaging in “unpleasant behaviour” towards girls on the bus."

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