"Our souls as well as our bodies are composed of individual elements which were all already present in the ranks of our ancestors. The ‘newsness’ of the individual psyche is an endlessly varied recombination of age-old componentes.
Nevertheless we have plunged into a cataract of democratic progress which sweeps us into the future with ever wilder violence the farther it take us from our ranks. The less we understand of what our forefathers sought, the less we understand ourselves, and thus we help with all our might to rob the individual of his roots and his guiding instincts […]
Modern man exists in a technological world, the progress of which is exponential, but his psyche is not able to keep pace with the change. His mind does not ‘progress’ in similar exponential manner. Despite this veneer of technological civilisation the ancient archetypes do not disappear; they are repressed and lurk in the ‘shadows’ of the collective unconscious."
-C. G. Jung
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