"Muslim migrants drag and rape female Chinese teen students in Germany
Chinese Embassy in Germany 18 issued a bulletin, said the day before in Germany occurred Chinese female students who suffered sexual abuse cases. Informed that the evening of November 16th, the Consulate General in Dusseldorf China Chinese female students received a report, said the evening return to the hostel in the way encountered sexual assault.
The Consulate General immediately contacted the local police, asked the police to solve the case quickly, in time to inform the case of progress, and take effective measures to protect the personal safety of Chinese citizens. German police responded that the case is being investigated."
The Consulate General immediately contacted the local police, asked the police to solve the case quickly, in time to inform the case of progress, and take effective measures to protect the personal safety of Chinese citizens. German police responded that the case is being investigated."
(Portrait of a suspect in the rape case.)
Notas pessoais:
E agora? O que vão dizer? A vítima não sendo Ariana, a narrativa democrática vai falar em "racismo" e "nazismo" por parte de quem se queixa? Será que este caso vai ser noticiado? Ou será que vão abafar como têm feito com a "rape epidemic" que está a vitimizar milhares e milhares de mulheres Arianas na Europa?
Isto só mostra que a componente cultural/religiosa do islão não escolhe só mulheres Arianas para estuprar; TODAS as mulheres são potenciais vítimas. Sejam elas turistas ou estudantes de Erasmus.
O corão tal como o talmud, legitimam o estupro.
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