quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2016

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Italian women are terrified to leave their homes after rapefugee influx in small town

Terrified Italian women turn against migrants: ‘It is not safe here anymore’
Frightened females have taken to the streets to protest against the opening of a new refugee reception centre, which will welcome the arrival of more than 250 asylum seekers.
In front of the group are banners emblazoned with the powerful message: “No security, no freedom” as shockwaves are sent across the entire community of Aurelio in Rome.

Women say they are too scared to leave their homes
“It is not easy to get around this neighbourhood at night.
“You feel followed, you feel observed. It is not safe here anymore. “
Soon-to-be-mother Eleanor, 30, added: “I no longer dare to go home alone in the evening, I call my husband after dark.”
Another slogan to support the protest read: ”Some Italians do not give up.”

One protestor, 63-year-old grandmother Simonetta claims she witnessed a migrant man masturbating in broad daylight. She added: “We must defend ourselves”.

But some protestors have taken matters into their own hands, with some camping outside the new centre to “watch the neighbourhood”."

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