"Germany liberals solves Muslim rape problem: Seminars to teach Muslims how to ‘sexually arouse’ their victims
The Germans liberals are as nuts as the liberals Swedes! You would think they would work to prevent rapes – not to encourage more of them. They have brought it onto themselves.
Migrants are taught how to attract women and sexually arouse them in German seminars run by ‘Mr Flirt’ following spate of sex assaults across the country
- Horst Wenzel makes living teaching German men how to approach women
- ‘Mr Flirt’ has volunteered services to help country integrate refugee men
- He teaches pickup lines, relationships and how to sexually arouse women
- Comes amid hostility towards refugees in wake of Cologne sex assaults
Migrants are being taught how to attract women and sexually arouse them in German seminars run by a pickup expert known as ‘Mr Flirt’, it has emerged.
Horst Wenzel usually makes his living teaching German men how to approach women but is volunteering his skills to help the country integrate more than a million refugees who have arrived in the last two years.
The 27-year-old teaches asylum seekers lines including ‘You have a beautiful voice’ and gives tips on how to arouse women."
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