"Anti-Putin Russian Marches-2016 were held all over Russia
Traditionally, November 4, Russian Marches and rallies of solidarity with them were held in 14 regions. In general, Russian March-2016 passed under the slogans reflecting the requirement of resignation of Putin and his government, as well as the termination of political repression.
The main slogans were the following:
“Down with the occupation - Freedom to the Russian nation!”, “Cancel 282!”, “Russian, wake up! Russian, fight!”, “For the rights and freedom of the Russian people!”, “Russian pride is stronger than repression!”
Locally, were also used other slogans, such as:
“Hospitals are being closed - Russians get extinct,” “We ignite justice,” “Down with the KGBist system,” “Russia is Europe,” and others.
Russian March was held in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Tula, Vologda, Pskov (without the symbolics in connection with the arrest of one of the organizers). Actions of solidarity were also held in Crimea, Izhevsk, Sosnogorsk, Krasnodar and Cyprus. There is more information about them to follow.
In Moscow, participants of the Russian March chanted:
“Putin and Medvedev - Get out!”,“Russia is Europe, Freedom to political prisoners!”, “Down with the power of the KGB,” “Russians are against the war with Ukraine!”, “We are tired of tolerating. Revolution. Army is with the people, do not serve the bastards. Enough of robbing the people,” “A Russian country for Russians.”
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