Six hundred out of 800 non-Aryan invaders pretending to be child refugees in Denmark have been exposed as liars after they were subjected to medical tests which proved them to be adults.
The testing was started after it became obvious that most of the lying invaders were far older than they claimed, and were hoping to cash in on extra benefits and fast-tack “asylum” processing.
The testing was started after it became obvious that most of the lying invaders were far older than they claimed, and were hoping to cash in on extra benefits and fast-tack “asylum” processing.
The paper said that the teeth tests consisted of x-ray images of the invaders’ teeth, and particularly the positioning of the wisdom teeth within the jawbone and the development of teeth roots.
These indicators, the Jyllands-Posten said, develop along a detailed and specific genetic path, which means that the development stage can provide a probable age of the subject.
This is particularly valuable, the paper added, because even if the subject has been exposed to tooth decay, the root positions will still be normal. Finally, if the teeth are fully developed, it indicates that the subject is at least 21 years old.
In addition, doctors also examined the invaders’ bodies, looking at the development of reproductive organs, mammary glands, and hair.
Finally, experts used x-ray images of hands and the finger bones, focusing on knuckles. In this regard, the space between the knuckles is a highly accurate indicator of age, as growth zones are close when the bones are fully developed."
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