sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2017

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Cosmopolitan Utopia & Globalization

During the process of globalization in all walks of life, mostly in the fields of culture where we find the most important source of national and state identity in which strong tendencies of unification are present, the process imposes a form of depersonalization and a false value system.

The modern world is faced with attempts at mondialization and the globalist project, which aims to create a uniform model of the world, without tradition, identity, religion and historical memory. The ideologists of globalization propagated the theory of cosmopolitan culture(?) and identity(?). Under such culture(?) and identity(?), consider a world in which all differences between disappearing traditions, nations, and religions. In that type of world they create a universal language and a unique cosmopolitan culture, canceling their identity. The cosmopolitan culture and value system is moving in the direction from West to East and from North to South.

Proponents of cosmopolitan culture and identity deny any diversity of national identities, cultures, traditions and religions, stressing that cosmopolitan culture extends all local horizons, particularly emphasizing how it shapes similar thoughts, tastes, styles, food (McDonald’s), etc.

All traditional values: ideas about morality, honor, loyalty and duty that the peoples of the past held, are sharply replaced with the democratic western self-centered view of the world.

When a nation with a rich tradition and long history accepts the influence of the democratic West, it has lost all the advantages that allowed them to exist on the world stage. So, to all the people who want to preserve inner freedom, they must first save and identify the fundamental values ​​that form the core of their community, and their religious and ethnic entities."

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