quarta-feira, 29 de março de 2017

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Capitalism will always put profit before the nation and before the preservation of racial and cultural identity. Cheap labour and maximum profit is the primary concern of those at the very top of the money ladder.
For example, an unscrupulous big business will always employ a workforce that will increase their profit margins regardless of whether that workforce consists of immigrants working for lower wages than the native working class can afford to work for.
They don't care about the native workers being undercut. They don't care about the ongoing eradication of the racial and cultural identity of the nation. So long as their profit margins are increasing then all is well in the world of international finance capitalism.
Don't make the mistake of interpretating this as an attack on free enterprise because it isn't. We support local businesses for local people for the betterment of the local community and nation as a whole. What we don't support is big business monopolising trade in their own profit driven interests and to the detriment of the small business owner and the native Aryan working class.
Capitalism today is not free enterprise it is Globalism and the nation state, race and culture are of no concern to those benefiting from their destruction."

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