"Afghan national smashes 59-year-old cyclist on the head with a HAMMER in random assault'
AN AFGHAN national has been arrested after bashing a cyclists skull with a hammer in a random assault.
The 59-year-old cyclist was attacked early Friday morning as he traveled to Bergedorf, a south eastern district of Hamburg, Germany.
The alleged attacker is believed to have briefly addressed the cyclist before suddenly hitting him on the head with the weapon.
Stunned by the attack, the cyclist was able to flee and alert the police.
The 31-year-old suspect was later found in at home with clothes his smeared in blood.
The alleged weapon was later found hidden under a kitchen cabinet.
The reported attacker has since been sent to a detention centre, while his alleged victim has been released from hospital.
A police spokesman said: “The suspect may have a mental illness.”
It comes just days after Dusseldorf train station was placed on lockdown after a man went on a violent rampage with an axe, injuring at least seven people.
A 36-year-old man was arrested following the attack, correcting earlier police reports of two arrests.
Two police officers were among the seven injured in the Dusseldorf attack. Officials said none of the victims were in a life-threatening condition but one person is seriously injured.
Officers identified the suspect as Fatmir H from Kosovo and living in the nearby city of Wuppertal.
They stressed he is "mentally ill", according to reports."
Two police officers were among the seven injured in the Dusseldorf attack. Officials said none of the victims were in a life-threatening condition but one person is seriously injured.
Officers identified the suspect as Fatmir H from Kosovo and living in the nearby city of Wuppertal.
They stressed he is "mentally ill", according to reports."
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