sexta-feira, 28 de abril de 2017

Tormentia - Szturm

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"She wears strength and darkness equally well. The girl has always been half goddess, half hell."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

“Not whence you come shall henceforth constitute your honor, but whither you are going. Your will and your foot which has a will to go over and beyond yourselves -that shall constitute your new honor.”

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"The hardships, the tortures, the cringing lies that would crush the weak, can only strengthen us, who are strong by nature. One day, we shall rise out of this misery, more like gods than ever."
-Savitri Devi

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"("For God, for the People, for Nature and for the Country")

President Duterte has vowed to “eradicate all traces of Rothschild financial criminality” from the Philippines, announcing that he will no longer respond to pressure or financial blackmail from the Rothschild-controlled global banking institutions.

The president, who claims to have killed cartel bosses with his own hands, is not one to be bullied, and he has now set his sights on cleaning up the financial corruption in his country, promising to “drive them out like the scavengers they are.

Before Rodrigo Duterte assumed the office of president, the Philippines was suffering from the effects of IMF/World Bank-imposed austerity and privatization that exploited its people and resources. It was also one of Asia’s most corrupt and troubled nations.

Though the Filipino people, through strong showings of popular resistance over a period of years, were able to curb some of the most rampant crony corruption, many of the shackles imposed by these Rothschild-controlled institutions remained.

Over one year into his term and he has delivered on his promises. Much to the Rothschild-controlled international community’s outrage, Duterte is shooting from the hip, and cleaning up his country.

In 2016, after warning those involved in the narcotics trade, an astonishing 1,007,153 narcotics criminals surrended to government, and 73 government officials were arrested for involvement in the illegal drug trade.

Billions of dollars worth of narcotics were seized, showing what can be done in a short timeframe if the problem is tackled seriously.

Now the president is going after tax-dodging oligarchs and multinational corporations who haven’t paid a cent for decades. The elites and their media empires held former regimes to ransom. But they have no power over Duterte. And they are actually paying up.

The oligarchs cannot use the mainstream media to destroy him because the people don’t trust what the media says anymore.

When he says he will “eradicate all traces of Rothschild financial criminality” from his country, there is no question he will follow through, despite the inherent risks.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Zog-US-dominated World Bank have been major players in the global economic landscape ever since their creation in 1944.

These international banking organizations, which are privately controlled by the notorious Rothschild banking family, first pressure nations to deregulate their financial sector, allowing private banks to loot their economies.

Once the governments are forced to bail-out their deregulated financial sector, the IMF or World Bank sets up a loan package written in secret by central bankers and finance ministers that undermine their national sovereignty and force them to adopt policies of austerity that harm workers, families, and the environment.

The Philippines have become the first Asian country to grow wise to the ruse. They have worked hard to gain financial independence and are now in the process of kicking the Rothschild controlled banks out of their country.

The Philippines transformation under Duterte proves that any nation, no matter how impoverished and troubled, can throw off the shackles imposed by international bankers and trade."

Deixem de ser os maiores cornos-mansos da História, e ganhem vergonha na cara duma vez por todas!!!

Acções e/ou crimes do judeu internacional contra os

Ataque sobre o USS LIBERTY.


Endividamento deliberado para escravizar os
Norte-Americanos através da dívida e da usura(terrorismo económico-financeiro).

Plano kalergi versão Norte-Americana(terrorismo biológico).

Doutrinas e propaganda de racismo anti-Ariano sobre as mentes de idiotas úteis de outras raças e mestiços vários, para estes roubarem, violarem e matarem os Arianos

Espionagem industrial e militar, e venda de segredos a outras potências estrangeiras.

Controlo e/ou parceria com os cartéis de droga internacionais actuarem em solo Norte-Americano, porque tal agenda serve para enriquecerem, e ao mesmo tempo subverter a saúde física e moral dos Norte-Americanos.

Propaganda materialista para fazer dos Norte-Americanos bovinos consumidores, porque os Norte-Americanos tornando-se nisso precisam de dinheiro para consumir, e como é o judeu que fabrica o dinheiro a partir do nada e cobrando juros usurários, isto faz do Norte-Americano o "ressacado" e do judeu o eterno "traficante"; apertando dessa forma ainda mais as grilhetas sobre o povo

Propaganda promíscua em todo o tipo de conteúdos de média e imprensa, de forma aumentar divórcios, baixar a natalidade dos Arianos Norte-Americanos, e banalizar a traição na sociedade; pois uma sociedade sem valores é mais fácil de ser comprada, logo dominada.

Massiva espionagem ilegal nas propriedades privadas dos cidadãos Norte-Americanos(civis e militares).

Fmr CIA Officer Philip Giraldi: Israel is NOT an Ally of the USA

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Sírio(?) detido na Alemanha por suspeita de pertencer ao grupo Estado Islâmico
A Procuradoria federal da Alemanha anunciou, esta sexta-feira, a detenção de um sírio, de 23 anos, em Biberach, no sul do país, suspeito de pertencer ao grupo extremista Estado Islâmico.

O mandado de busca e detenção contra o suspeito, identificado como Emad A., foi emitido por um juiz de instrução do Supremo Tribunal.
Na detenção participaram forças especiais da polícia, as quais efetuadas buscas no domicílio do suspeito, onde foi apreendido material alegadamente incriminatório.
A Procuradoria acusa o suspeito de se ter integrado num comando do Estado Islâmico no país de origem, em 2013, e de ter participado em várias operações do movimento na Síria."

quinta-feira, 27 de abril de 2017

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"For example, we often hear that necromancy was outlawed because it was a devilish practice... What you do not hear is that necromancy was an aspect of ancestor worship, and that part of outlawing it involved making it illegal to bury your family members on your own land. Suddenly, you were required to bury your dead in Church-sanctioned graveyards. This effectively removed one of your most solid claims to ownership of your ancestral land. It was no longer the place where you could prove your forefathers lay buried. It made it easier for authorities to come along and kick you out of your home and take state ownership of the land your family had left to you. This also supported the ultimate goal of breaking up family clans, and the political power and wealth that often went along with them."

Wald - Путь Эйнхерия

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"…Portugal is a small country, they won’t be able to sustain the war (the Colonial Wars from 1961-1974) for much longer. Soon we will be free of Portugal’s civilized influence in Africa and then we can move forth with our own interests…"
— Letter from a CIA agent to the President of the United States during the 70′s, caught by Portuguese PIDE agents

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"This is how liberalism rules. It doesn’t allow the privilege of dissent, because it disprivileges dissenting ideas. And if people can’t think, and those ideas aren’t worth anything anyway, it’s invisible.
You can put economic pressure on people, so you’ve got a choice to be sort of decanted from bourgeois life if you manifest in public certain types of opinion. That’s one of the pressures that’s put on people. That’s done deliberately to stop people who have education forming in the head, forming a brain, forming an elite with the fist. And that’s done quite deliberately, so that the leaders will be choked off."
-Jonathan Bowden

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"If you still think these are the problem of England:

And these are the strength of England:

Congratulations! You are a full retarded!"
-Radical Nationalism

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Homem armado detido junto ao Parlamento Britânico

Um homem foi detido, esta quinta-feira, junto ao Parlamento Britânico, na Rua Whitehall, em Londres. As autoridades do Reino Unido confirmaram que o homem se preparava para realizar um ataque terrorista na capital inglesa. 

Não há qualquer registo de feridos. Foi montado um perímetro de segurança nos quarteirões adjacentes ao local onde o suspeito terá sido interceptado pela polícia e posteriormente detido.

Segundo a imprensa britânica, algumas testemunhas que estavam no local garantem que o suspeito tinha uma mochila cheia de facas consigo, e não apenas duas, o número até agora confirmado. 
O trânsito no local encontra-se muito condicionado.

Esta situação ocorreu a apenas alguns metros do local onde no passado dia 22 de março, Khalid Masood tirou a vida a quatro vítimas, durante um atentado terrorista.

Hoje, quinta-feira, é a última sessão do Parlamento antes das eleições legislativas antecipadas, marcadas para 8 de junho."

Notas pessoais:

Inglês de gema... Tem pinta de Celta ou Saxão o gajo.

Democracia=Desgraça nacional.

Notas pessoais:

Qual é o drama? Qualquer coisa pede-se emprestado aos agentes da usura internacional e endivida-se ainda mais a (cada vez menos)Nação Lusitana, e/ou aumenta-se ainda mais a carga fiscal, e/ou privatiza-se os até então hospitais públicos.

É preciso é salvar a democracia, mesmo que esta signifique(e significa mesmo) a morte da Nação; porque uma Nação é apenas uma forma de regime escolhida para gerir a democracia. Não é assim a narrativa democrática?

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
-Marcus Tullius Cicero

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"If the word “democracy” is defined as the government of the people by themselves, it expresses an absolute impossibility and cannot even have a mere de facto existence, in our time any more than in any other. One must guard against being misled by words: it is contradictory to say that the same persons can be at the same time rulers and ruled..."
-René Guénon

quarta-feira, 26 de abril de 2017

Notícia+Imagens do dia.

"Swedish liberal and Advocate of ‘Equality’ Beheaded in the Congo
(She was a victim of her own ideological narrative.)

Zaida Catalán was a Swedish politician who was a member of the Green Party and leader of the Young Greens of Sweden between 2001 and 2005. She was known for her work in equality.

Two United Nations investigators have been found dead with their interpreter in the Democratic Republic of Congo more than two weeks after they disappeared.
Their identities were confirmed as UN experts Michael Sharp, from the US, Zaida Catalán, from Sweden, and their Congolese aide Betu Tshintela.
Villagers discovered their bodies in shallow graves near a river in central Kasai province. A government official said: “The woman was beheaded.”

Let this be a warning to you that the world is not a safe place and that equality is non-existent in the real world. Let it be a warning that not all cultures are equal and that importing different cultures and races into your homeland is not only unnatural, but extremely naive and dangerous. Use this as an example to show your children who are thinking of going down the same road as this woman politically and ideologically.
This is the logical outcome of the unnatural liberal mindset, this is where her belief in ‘equality’ and so-called ‘anti-racism’ got her."

Mensagem do dia.

Pensamento+Imagens do dia.

Ontem, em mais uma megaoperação de lavagem cerebral ao povinho, as organizações terroristas eufemisticamente chamadas de "partidos políticos", concordaram todas em unirem-se contra o Nacionalismo(genuíno obviamente, já que só este é que representa sério perigo para os inimigos da Nação).
Ora dizer-se contra o Nacionalismo, é a mesma coisa que se dizer contra a Nação, pois o Nacionalismo, como o próprio termo o indica, é nada mais nada menos que uma ideologia cuja principal missão é zelar SEMPRE pelos superiores interesses da Nação.

Como dava muita barraca dizerem-se contra a Nação perante as câmeras das tvs(não vão os zombies começarem-se a humanizar e despertarem para as grilhetas da "jewtrix"), utilizam-se assim estas nuances de retórica democrata para mandar uma mensagem de que é preciso todos os inimigos de Portugal cerrarem fileiras contra quem quer salvar a Nação, de forma a poderem continuar a corromper, roubar, endividar, subverter, vender, e genocidiar a Nação Lusitana.

A letra do Hino Nacional, é porém uma espinha cravada na garganta da canalha...
É que lá refere "Nação valente e imortal...", e não "Democracia..."!
Como não podem mudar a letra do Hino Nacional, lá tentam subverter os significados das palavras(mas sem grande sucesso...). Mas quando o povo(civis e militares) o começar a sentir a sério, vocês vão-se foder!

Por fim, as organizações terroristas eufemisticamente chamadas de "partidos políticos", prometeram aos goyim que iam "criar mais riqueza" e também "distribuir melhor a riqueza"...
Nada melhor do que falsas promessas atiradas para o ar de forma a que o povinho continue com falsas e irrealistas esperanças, e assim continue a ser corno-manso face à ocupação de que a Nação é vítima.

Como nós(NS e Fascistas) gostamos de perguntar as coisas a fundo; gostava de saber como é que vão fazer isso de "criar mais riqueza" e "distribuir melhor a riqueza"?

terça-feira, 25 de abril de 2017

Nychts - Denn... Nichts

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"There are no excuses for living in ugliness while we can live in beauty."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Our rejection of complete materialism is what makes us “high” humans. We are given the spiritual ability to transcend the material world, which has lead us to creativity and greatness. The disappearence of this ability, due to the rise of purely economic/materialistic doctrines like capitalism and marxism, has made us nothing more than slaves of our own instincts and the decadence of others. And slaves are only worth to be ruled over by higher men. True freedom does, therefore, not exist in these ideologies.
Only if we reject this rampant materialistic worldviews and replace them with a natural doctrine which doesn’t bind people together on the basis of materialistic “achievements”, but on the basis of spirit, honour, beauty and solidarity wtih our own people, which can only derive from the bonds that nature gave us: blood and soil, only then could mankind be truly free."

Mensagem+Imagem do dia.

"Our generation has lost the value of romance, the value of trust, the value of conversation. Sadly small talk is the new deep."

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"Demolishing for the sake of demolishing is never a good thing. Destruction is only justified if we can build something better."