"When I think of Europe, I’m not thinking about political or technocratic structures, I’m thinking of our multi-millenial civilisation, our identity, a certain "European” way of thinking, of feeling and of living, across time. Yes, Europe is historically “dormant”. Since when? Since the second half of the twentieth century, after the catastrophe of the two wars that started in 1914 and ended in 1945. When the universal exhibition opened in Paris in 1900, Europe was the intellectual and spiritual centre of the world. She dominated everything, almost everywhere. The United States was still only a marginal power. Fifty years later, everything was reversed! After Yalta, a Europe bled of its strength was divided up between the two new powers that had emerged in the Century of 1914: the (Zog)United States and the USSR. Two Messianic powers that wanted to impose on her their models: Americanism and communism. I might add that Europe has not only lost its power and its colonies, worse still, it has lost faith in itself, eroded by an unheard of moral crisis and manipulation by guilt. She is “dormant”."
-Dominique Venner
-Dominique Venner
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