"Sixty years of pacification, suspension of historical upheavals, sixty democratic anesthesia and management of events have weakened in us a certain abrupt perception of the real, partisan sense of the ongoing war. It is this perception that must be recovered, to begin with.
There is no reason to be displeased with the fact that for five years a law that is as notoriously unconstitutional has been applied as the law on daily security. It is useless to protest legally against the complete implosion of the legal framework. We must organize ourselves accordingly.
Waiting is still a madness. Disaster is not what comes, but what is there. We are already in the process of collapse of a civilization. That is where we should take sides.To no longer wait, it is in one way or another entering the insurrectionary logic. It is to hear again, in the voice of our rulers, the slight trembling of terror which never leaves them. For to govern has never been anything other than to repel by a thousand subterfuges the moment when the crowd will take you, and any act of government nothing but a way of not losing control of the population. We start from a point of extreme isolation, extreme helplessness. Everything must be built of an insurrectional process. Nothing seems less probable than an insurrection, but nothing is more necessary."
-Invisible Committee, The coming insurrection
-Invisible Committee, The coming insurrection
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