sábado, 15 de abril de 2017

Mensagem+Imagens do dia.

"The Plague of Democracy

We know very well by now how much destruction and poison Democracy has brought with itself. But, let us inquire deeper into it, not only for our own sake – but also for the sake of those who might bump into this discussion for the first time – for those who might be awakening from the lie of Democracy. I like to look back into history and read wisdom of old Europa. Wisdom from Sparta for example, because Spartans laughed at the concept of Democracy – when asked why they didn’t want to adopt it, they simply replied that if you can’t have a family based on it, then it is useless. And indeed, these words hold a lot of truth.

And if you cannot base your family unit on such a worldview, how could you even think of applying it to other families which surround you, families of your race and people? How could you demand that your neighbor should submit to Democracy, if you can’t even live by it in your own house? Why should someone else poison his house with this ideology? So you see, Democracy itself started out as an anti-family element. Not only that, but how could the servant be regarded as entirely equal to the master? How could the skilled craftsman be the same as his pupil whom he is training? How could the philosopher be the same as a naive and gullible fool whose highest goal in life is to waste his own time?

We see therefore that Democracy also started out as an element which did not regard legitimate authority, quality, skill, talent, wisdom, nobility and intelligence as something worthy of its name. All these elements had to be disregarded – completely – so that the illusion of pure equality could be sold.

Democracy split this relationship in every possible form and replaced it with money and taxes.
The pupil and servant were “freed”, but under what cost? No one provided for them anymore, no one looked at them anymore as something that is worth anything – they became pawns in a massive game of money – they became human resources which applied for a wage. Since no one took care of them anymore, loans became the norm – money was needed in order to become a “useful human resource”.

But, this wouldn’t be enough for the Democratic worldview.
The children must be taken away from the parents as soon as possible and put through universal education which would shape them into form – by the same exact way. Not to become the best they are, not to shape them into healthy and intelligent human beings – but to create proper human resources who would work and not think. Human resources which would trample over one another in order to willingly apply as a wage-servant for the rest of their life.

The wife, still a lady in her family, remained a problem for Democracy. She had to be destroyed, someway, somehow. ...the destruction of her feminine aspect had to follow. The lady had to lose her beauty, she had to become an angry and bitter woman. She had to feel envy and hatred towards men, up to the point where she would want to become that very thing which she would be indoctrinated to hate. She lost her desire for femininity, she lost her desire for motherhood.

For those among you who are wise and very knowledgeable of what the Jews have been doing to this planet throughout history, the words Bolshevism, Marxism, Communism, Christianity, Feminism, etc. – came to mind, didn’t they? All those are based upon, related to, and cannot function without : Democracy and its concept of equality. It alone has destroyed the Natural order of things, the Natural relationship between those who are capable of leading and those who need guidance; those who are wise and those who are foolish; those who are creative and those who are good at manufacturing – it destroyed not only the Material, but also the Spiritual – it destroyed the Soul.

There is no place for a “high being” such as God in a Democracy, let alone many Gods who would provide a Natural concept of Hierarchy, Skill and Talent. Every God in European Paganism had his place and talent in Democracy all of them cease to exist. All Gods are equal all of a sudden, all of their Archetypes and concepts are nullified and neutralized. All of them are mixed up into one essence which the Jews would later on label as Yahweh – therefore Yahweh himself is the idea of Democracy – he is the only “God” which exists in the Jewish worldview, he is the neutralizing factor of everything : And the doers and bringers of Democracy are his “Chosen People”, the Jews.

If mixing Races leads to a Degenerate Hybrid, so did the mixing of Gods lead to a Degenerate Hybrid entity : The Jewish God. Everywhere in Nature, wherever you look, the mixing of Species produces a lower quality species – in some cases it is even infertile. However, Democracy merely creates a foundation of a Society – there still are leaders on top of it, but they are now not chosen for Quality, but through manipulation of Quantity. Since the relationship of everything in a Democracy is now defined through wages, money and taxes – the one who controls these elements is going to end up at the top of such a Society. It is fitting therefore that the “Jewish God” would tell the Jews that they should apply usury, deception, theft, enslavement of the non-Jews wherever possible. In their eyes, the non-Jews are animals who eagerly come to them for food, just as the domesticated dog comes to his master.

In such a case revolutions of various kinds had to be made – over and over and over – again. We already mentioned them through all the ideological terms which are related to Democracy. Each and every one of them were just a step towards Jewish dominion of the mindless, gullible, naive and domesticated masses. Christianity equalized them by telling them that they are all One in the Jew Jesus, it told them that the wise, strong and noble are bad.

In order for the Jews to stand above the rest of the world, they have to equalize it while remaining the only element that is not going to be touched by this process. The Jew Jesus suggested to the Jews that they should love the Goyim as well – one can clearly understand why they would end up killing him in the story – what boggles the mind however is why non-Jews wish to become equal to Jews through Jesus by following him. Equality for you Goyim, but not for Jews.

Democracy replaced quality for quantity – the masses. These masses are then told that through “voting” they can shape their government and future. Meanwhile they are, as we have already said, from childhood shaped into becoming “human resources” – all that is necessary for the “Masters of Society” to rule such a Society is to manipulate these imbeciles into doing exactly what they want them to do : to think, act, react, talk and walk as the Jews say. This has been done throughout history with propaganda, media, education, religion, and of course money. It is therefore easy to understand that the Judeo-Masons implement a National Bank in every society which they turn into a Democracy. It becomes the foundation of the wage-slave-debt-taxes system which pushes the masses into ever more conflicts, despair and submission.

It is this concept of Democracy, my friends, which has cursed this planet a long time ago. Jews introduced it everywhere into our Societies – the mere act of wanting to be different is now hatred – wanting to be self-reliable is a sin against this worldview. Sovereignty of a Nation is impossible in a World Wide Democracy – who are you to call yourself “better” and “sovereign”? And who will be the self-elected leaders who will “by pure cohen-cidence” rise up as representatives and leaders of such a World Democracy? The Jews, of course. Just as they are now. You know, if one goes deep into this Jewish concept of Yahweh and Democracy, one realizes one thing – Jews stole and perverted the ancient Aryan concept of Balance.

Is a Balanced person a Democratic person? Is a Balanced Nation a Democratic Nation? Does a Balanced person eat too much, drink too much? Does a Balanced person work himself to death? But, you are free to do all of these things in a Democratic worldview – you are even, indirectly wink wink, forced to do so. A Balanced Nation admits and acknowledged that it has fools, lemmings, but also wise and intelligent people. A Balanced Person knows his pros and cons and acts upon them. A Balanced person is in control of himself, his emotions and his mind. A Democratic Nation can’t admit that some people are fools, lemmings and that some are simply better. A Democratic person is triggered by certain words, his mind is controlled by percentages, his emotions by trends, he loses control of himself as he must fulfill the normative standard of society – he must be a Human Resource.

All of this manipulation is based on one single
element – Language. Since all it takes for Jews to mentally
mind-manipulate other people is to learn their language, we must be aware of how dangerous of a tool it has become. The Jews create guilt, fear, sorrow, hatred, sadness, and various other things – through language.

Democracy allows anti-national Evil to walk among the people. It allows anti-national Evil to talk and spread its ideology. It gives it free speech, it regards it as equal, it allows it to establish itself and to sell itself as if it were merely another “product” without any hidden agenda or intent. It splits the Nation into factions, it allows for political control of the masses from a shadow government, it boosts the power of the gullible and foolish and keeps those who understand the game and who wish to free themselves from it –  from destroying it. It allows anti-national Evil to participate in the Arena of Society. The real enemy of Democracy is not anti-national Evil, the real enemy is everyone and anyone who would attempt to destroy it. Those are labelled as haters and intolerant.
Anti-national Evil is tolerated, the Awakened person is not."
-Axe Of Perun

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