"Swedish liberal and Advocate of ‘Equality’ Beheaded in the Congo
(She was a victim of her own ideological narrative.)
Two United Nations investigators have been found dead with their interpreter in the Democratic Republic of Congo more than two weeks after they disappeared.
Their identities were confirmed as UN experts Michael Sharp, from the US, Zaida Catalán, from Sweden, and their Congolese aide Betu Tshintela.
Villagers discovered their bodies in shallow graves near a river in central Kasai province. A government official said: “The woman was beheaded.”
Their identities were confirmed as UN experts Michael Sharp, from the US, Zaida Catalán, from Sweden, and their Congolese aide Betu Tshintela.
Villagers discovered their bodies in shallow graves near a river in central Kasai province. A government official said: “The woman was beheaded.”
Let this be a warning to you that the world is not a safe place and that equality is non-existent in the real world. Let it be a warning that not all cultures are equal and that importing different cultures and races into your homeland is not only unnatural, but extremely naive and dangerous. Use this as an example to show your children who are thinking of going down the same road as this woman politically and ideologically.
This is the logical outcome of the unnatural liberal mindset, this is where her belief in ‘equality’ and so-called ‘anti-racism’ got her."
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