All the while people were commenting on the video, encouraging the rapists.
Likely the men realized their stupidity of livestreaming their crimes and made a second video forcing the woman to say she wasn’t raped. After one of the viewers called the police, the men were arrested.
Likely the men realized their stupidity of livestreaming their crimes and made a second video forcing the woman to say she wasn’t raped. After one of the viewers called the police, the men were arrested.
The asylum seekers and migrant involved in the rape will NOT be deported and will only face at most between ONE and THREE years behind bars. This despite a second rape victim coming forward.
The prosecutor called it “A wise decision” claiming the rapists have a learning disability and don’t comprehend the situation.
On top of the charges involving the rape, the men have also been involved in DUI, drug abuse, assault and theft."
Notas pessoais:
A Suécia neste momento é um gigante manicómio a céu aberto. Se não for o pessoal do Nordfront e as Forças Armadas Suecas(nativas e nacionalistas, obviamente...) a pôr mão na Suécia, a mesma está perdida.
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