"When a leader is attacked for doing something you think right, you rally to him all the more. You reckon that any man who takes a strong stand against a corrupt system is bound to be attacked and made temporarily unpopular. The strength of the attack is the measure of his value to you. If he were not a good man for you, the enemy would not attack him. You may know the leaders you can trust by the power of the enemy’s fire. They shoot at the eagle but not at the sparrow, who slips through unnoticed, a happy little fellow gaily chirruping his futility on any street corner to an audience of two kids and a cat. If you want a big change, follow the man who is attacked by the defenders of the current system - attacked by your enemies - not the man who is either praised by them or ignored because he counts for nothing. These principles will always be true, whenever a big change is needed in this world."
-Oswald Mosley
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