"Ilavarasan and Vinothan Rajenthiram, known to their victims as Ara and Vino, spent nearly six years manipulating girls by offering them sweets, crisps, cigarettes and alcohol in Birkenhead, Wirral.
(Vinothan Rajenthiram)
(Ilvarasan Rajenthiram)
A court heard how the brothers took the girls they abused, some as young as 15, for rides in flash cars and held alcohol-fuelled parties before they abused them.
The family-run Best Price newsagents stores on Cole Street and Grange Road West were shut down in February 2016, when Merseyside Police launched an investigation.
Janet Reaney, prosecuting, told a jury: ‘The convenience stores owned by the Rajenthiram family or attended by Ara and Vinothan were the means by which Ara and Vinothan met and established contact with many of the young girls and women.
‘The girls who came to these shops were flirted with and phone numbers were exchanged. Some were given crisps, sweets and drink… some got unwanted sexual attention.
‘The sparsely furnished flats they had access to were used to drink with, dance with and engage in sexual activity with the girls.’
Their crimes were uncovered when one of the victims was reported missing in January 2016. She and another missing teenager were then traced back to the Rajenthiram brothers.
A probe led to 18 teenagers and young women giving evidence in court on how they had been assaulted, targeted or were aware of the brothers’ activities. Eight girls were abused in total."
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