"Paris Hosts Eiffel Tower Mural Explicitly Celebrating The Genocide Of Aryan People
This is an image of the mural from above (same image different medium).
The Mural itself is rather ambiguous at first, but when you look closely it is revealed to have six Aryan figures holding hands and dancing, six Black figures holding hands and dancing, and a Black (male) figure and Aryan (female) figure in the middle, wrapped in romantic embrace. The title of the artwork is ‘The Endless Sleep’.
When it debuted, many people were outraged, and suggested the image and its title were celebrating the end of native Europeans as a result of mass-immigration and intermarriage with non-Europeans.
This could be dismissed as an over-interpretation.. however, let’s look a little more closely at its creator.
Cleon Peterson
Peterson, it turns out, is a former heroin addict. However, since getting clean(?) and becoming an artist(?), Peterson’s entire career has been based off the ongoing creation of very specific drawings, all stylistically similar, all portraying horrific racist-violence and degeneracy. It also turns out that all that
racist-violence involves Black figures murdering, torturing, and raping Aryan figures.
racist-violence involves Black figures murdering, torturing, and raping Aryan figures.
This is the man who was chosen to paint the first ever mural under the Eiffel Tower."
Notas pessoais:
Numa Nação soberana, este "artista" tinha sido executado antes sequer de ter feito isto...
Numa Nação semi-soberana(ou semi-ocupada), este "artista" tinha sido executado após ter feito isto...
Numa República das bananas, anda na total impunidade enquanto instiga outra raças a violar e a assassinar os nativos através da sua "arte", e as prioridades (anti)nacionais(?) é fazer de capacho dos americo-sionistas e ir executar gajos nos quintos do caralho no globo que NADA fizeram contra a França...
Levanta-te França!
Levanta-te antes que seja tarde demais!
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