"In the zog-USA, democrats push hard to disarm native patriots.
At the same time, they armed the islamics terrorists of ISIS to overthow Assad.
So the guns are not the issue here; the issue here is that democrats are internal traitors/terrorists who work daily to arm the enemies of USA, be they muslims or jews.
That's why you cannot be a patriot and a democrat at the same time; that's a paradox. You must pick a side!"
At the same time, they armed the islamics terrorists of ISIS to overthow Assad.
So the guns are not the issue here; the issue here is that democrats are internal traitors/terrorists who work daily to arm the enemies of USA, be they muslims or jews.
That's why you cannot be a patriot and a democrat at the same time; that's a paradox. You must pick a side!"
-Radical Nationalism
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